
ExternalDNS - Anexia Webhook Provider

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The Anexia Webhook Provider for ExternalDNS allows you to use Anexia’s DNS API to manage DNS records for your domains.

The provider is heavily inspired by the ExternalDNS - IONOS Webhook and some inspiration taken from the External DNS - Adguard Home Provider.


See cmd/webhook/init/configuration/configuration.go for all available configuration options for the webhook sidecar, and internal/anexia/configuration.go for all available configuration options for the Anexia provider.

Kubernetes Deployment

The Anexia Webhook Provider is provided as an OCI image in ghcr.io/probstenhias/external-dns-anexia-webhook.

The following is an example deployment for the Anexia Webhook Provider:

 1helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
 3# create the anexia configuration
 4kubectl create secret generic anexia-configuration \
 5    --from-literal=url='<ANEXIA_API_URL>' \
 6    --from-literal=token='<ANEXIA_API_TOKEN>'
 8# create the helm values file
 9cat <<EOF > external-dns-anexia-values.yaml
10provider: webhook
13  webhook-provider-url: http://localhost:8888
16  - name: anexia-webhook
17    image: ghcr.io/probstenhias/external-dns-anexia-webhook:$RELEASE_VERSION
18    ports:
19      - containerPort: 8888
20        name: http
21    livenessProbe:
22      httpGet:
23        path: /healthz
24        port: http
25      initialDelaySeconds: 10
26      timeoutSeconds: 5
27    readinessProbe:
28      httpGet:
29        path: /healthz
30        port: http
31      initialDelaySeconds: 10
32      timeoutSeconds: 5
33    env:
34      - name: LOG_LEVEL
35        value: debug
36      - name: ANEXIA_API_URL
37        valueFrom:
38          secretKeyRef:
39            name: anexia-configuration
40            key: url
41      - name: ANEXIA_API_TOKEN
42        valueFrom:
43          secretKeyRef:
44            name: anexia-configuration
45            key: token
46      - name: SERVER_HOST
47        value: ""
48      - name: DRY_RUN
49        value: "false"
52# install external-dns with helm
53helm install external-dns-anexia bitnami/external-dns -f external-dns-anexia-values.yaml